Getting Started With Lionel Trains: Your Introduction to Model Railroading Fun, by Allan Miller
Krause Publications, 2001
Oversize, 115 pages plus Appendices, color photos scattered throughout, no index
Library: 625.19 MIL
DescriptionLionel! In the long and colorful history of electric toy trains, there has never been a more recognized and respected name!
Indeed, the Lionel trademark hasendured for more than a century, and is synonymous with quality, durability, variety and value in the model railroading hobby. Lionel trains have also become an American holiday tradition, to the point where no Christmas tree is considered truly complete without a Lionel train circling the base.
This book is designed to inspire Lionel railroaders to expand that holiday tradition into a creative, educational, and fun-filled hobby that can be enjoyed year round by individuals and entire families. It's a book for today's Lionel railroader-wespecially those who are, as the title suggests, getting started with trains.
-Discover the variety of fun-filled and action-packed Lionel trains and accessories that can lead to a relaxing and rewarding lifetime hobby
-See why the distinctive Lionel three-rail track system has proven itself over many years to be the easiest to install, operate and maintain.
-Learn how to select, set up, wire, operate and maintain your Lionel trains.
-Experience step-by-step, the construction of an attractive Lionel layout so your trains can be enjoyed throughout the year.
-Expand your knowledge of Lionel railroading with the help of appendix listings that include extensive print and video references, clubs, suppliers and internet resources.
Here is your one-way ticket to a lifetime of creative model railroading dun with Lionel trains.
Table of Contents 1. Why Lionel? And other frequently asked questions.
2. The Lionel legacy
-A century of tradition
-Trains for the ages, and all ages
-Highlights in Lionel history (timeline)
3. Today's Lionel
-Motive power
-Rolling stock
-Operating cars
-Welcome to Lionville
4. Gettign started with Lionel railroading
-Selecting your first Lionel set
-Where to buy Lionel trains
-Assembling a basic train set
5. The tried-and-true Lionel track system
-O27 & O guage three eail track components
-All about switches
-Remote-control track sections
-Lionel insulated track sections
-Track tips
6. Powering your Lionel trains
-The basics of toy train electricity
-Locomotive motors
-Lionel transformers - past and present
-Connecting to the transformer
-Power distribution through auxiliary "feeders"
-Increasing your layout's power potential
-Basic block wiring and control
-The new technology: TrainMaster Command Control
7. Planning a Lionel Layout
-The golden rule of model railroad planning
-Selecting a location for your layout
-A theme for your railroad
-Types of track plans
-Layout design tips and techniques
8. 20 track plans for small Lionel layouts
9. Constructing an action packed Lionel Layout
-Step #1-Build a firm foundation
-Step #2-Construct reliable trackwork
-Step #3-Lay the roadbed
-Step #4-Ballast the track
-Step #5-Wire the layout
-Step #6-Place and connect operating accessories
10. Personalizing your layout with scenery and details
-Groundcover treatments
-Trees for the layout
-Hills, mountains and rock formations
-Water features
-Details that make a difference
11. Great Lionel Layouts from the pages of
O Gauge Railroading magazine
12. Maintenance tips for Lionel trains
-Mainenance tools and supplies
-Locomotive and rolling stock maintenance tips
-Rolling stock maintenance tips
-Track and switch maintenance tips
-The Lionel Service department and Service station network
-Miscellaneous troubleshooting tips
-Protecting and preserving your Lionel trains
A-References for Lionel operators and collectors
B-Lionel trains online
C-Collector and operator clubs and associations
D-Suppliers of equipment and accessories for Lionel railroaders